Wow, I didn’t see anything today. I chose to take the day off. I have absolutely exhausted myself with the things on my tour. This is the last week to explore the festival. My highlights have been The Cake Walk at the arches by Linder,
Schema at the Che Camille venue, Good Gallery, Pecha Kucha, Tent to Ten on Dixon St.
The White bikes! Le Drapeau Noir!!! Susane Philipsz! Modern Terra! The Glue Factory!
It has been really hard work to try to see everything. Today my goal is t see Tramway the Duchy gallery and Market Gallery followed by a performance at Le Drapeau Noir by Diane Torr.
There really is nothing like seeing art first hand. I have met a lot of people that have been so busy with their own projects that they haven’t had time to see anything. Make time People! Put it in your diary and just make yourself go. You won’t regret it even if you don’t like it in the end, you learn a lot by talking constructively about something you thought was poor. At least I do.