Seeing as its ‘Process month’ I thought it might interest others to hear about the process we go through when we are promoting ourselves and and our exhibitions…
First I create a press release about the show, it details dates, times, venue, info on the artist and the exhibition. I try to keep it short and snappy with important info bold and details in list form so its easy to read. I also attach just 2 or 3 low res images. I try to do this well in advance and send it out to press contacts about 3 months before the show. Some publications have print deadlines way earlier than you’d think. I then send it 1 month before the show, then 1 week before again. Persistance is key! I also call the local press arts editors to make sure they got it and chat to them about the exhibition.
3 weeks before the show I load up the same details onto as many artsy/ creative networking/ community sites as I can and send it out to other arts, creative, and street culture blogs to see if they might like to post it too.
Within the month leading up to the show I put the details on our blog, facebook, central station page, and flickr and we send out an e-flyer to our mailing list too.
My advice is to take every opportunity you get for promotion and to push hard for it. Its hard work and can feel like you’re banging your head against a brick wall sometimes but is so worthwhile and pays off in the end.
Hope thats helpful to some folk out there. Good luck promo beavers!!