The good folks at Titan Props let us in for a sneak peek and to talk us through their collection.
Titan Props is a vast warehouse in Kinning Park; to the creative and curious it is lighter fluid ready to flame. We have a vast array of props – everything and anything you can think of. There is an infinity curve studio where music videos come to life (Young Aviators, Blood Relatives, and many more). There is expansive buildspace where theatre sets take shape. In essence, it’s a place for anyone whose bread-and-butter is creativity: photographers, stylists, music festival coordinators, events organisers, artists, film and TV art departments, exhibitions…
As the creative sector in Glasgow (and Scotland) continues to flourish, the need for places like Titan becomes ever more apparent. Our ethos is to provide high quality services at sensible prices. We recognise that innovation in any discipline is a continuous process and that flexibility is important for ideas to fully develop. The store is not clinical, it is an organised jumble where you can find anything from a replica of an original 60′s Dalek which was used in the BBC’s upcoming docu-drama An Adventure in Space and Time, to an immense selection of smalls including typewriters, cameras and record players. We cater for the experienced professional, as well as those who are up-and-coming. It’s a place where anyone can use the high quality resources they crave, in an atmosphere that strikes the right balance between friendly and professional.
But it’s not all work… Titan is a fledgling venue for exciting events, something which has only been open to family and friends so far, but we’re keen to develop this. Earlier in the year we had a Withnail and I movie night – aptly decked out in props such as the grotty kitchen which the two characters must tackle at the beginning of the film. And of course, lots of wine. On 9 November this year we hosted our second annual Halloween party where great people and great bands (Three Blind Wolves, Young Aviators) came together for an awesome night. Perhaps the highest standard of fancy dress ever seen in the western hemisphere but we couldn’t say for sure.
Whatever your creative practice and requirements are, get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help you. Any hard-to-find props are probably here waiting for you, and if they’re not then we’ll do our best to source them for you. Give us a call, come down for a cup of tea, and be inspired.
Contact us on 0141 427 2871 /
Photos by Heidi Kuisma