The last few weeks have been, let’s face it, possibly Glasgow’s longest summer. However, this week it all changed with the return of the heavens opening and if, like me, you found yourself sliding around Glasgow in your flip-flops for the past two days, the return of the Great British Summer may not have been such a welcome surprise. For our growing season, however, it was probably the best thing that could happen!

The start of the rain also shared the same weekend with the End of Term for schools in Glasgow. Again, not exactly what you want after fleeing the school gates and running for the rounders pitch but wonderful for the first ever Great Scottish Double Rubble Chip Challenge!

In the run-up to Glasgow Harvest 30 schools around Glasgow are taking part in the Double Rubble Chip Challenge for the chance to win money (oh, yes) towards a new or improved growing space in the school grounds. With ‘foolproof’ instructions and growing kits donated by us, the ‘challenge’ is to grow potatoes (from scratch, of course) and to produce the best tasting poke of chips, which will be judged at Glasgow Harvest on the 28th of August by a fierce panel of chip-shop owners.

The growing has already begun and the competition is heating up!

Be inspired by the schools and remember to grow your own, too! If you don’t feel so hot on the planting side of things, get dreaming up some ideas for the Creative Container Competition and grow something from a seedling instead or make a date with some fruit and your hob and get involved in the Jam Dating Agency - someone might just have the fruit your spare jars were looking for (oh dear)!

Put your best shoot forward.


To find out what Tasty twEATS & Harvest 2010, click here.