let me tell you about life. sit down. relax. this is what i call a ‘life-lesson’. its a keeper. you are going to learn something very valuable. all these things you want. all those things you have already, a car. a house. a partner. kids. that laptop. the dog , the cat whatever. these things you own. they end up owning you. every little thing, even your clothes. they own you. pretty soon you’re working just to keep all this stuff ticking over. it gets so you can’t breathe. its suffocating. all these things. gah. can’t breathe. you need a new start. you need to disappear. forget all those things, those attachments, those ball and chains. you need a way out.

i have it.

i have the answer.


im an explorer. i can’t show you a licence or a certificate or a degree. so dont ask. just take my word. i am also a scientist and a teacher. and a biologist. and a surgeon. and a shark expert. i am telling you for a fact that shark guts lead to your own private jet. that little plane is your clean slate. you can do it all right this time! escape. to anywhere. no ties. start afresh. free and clear.


the shark.

perhaps you could keep it on a shelf above your newborn so as to instill a fearless outlook in the nipper. perhaps youre a gym teacher and could keep it in your school classroom in the event of rabid sharks sparking mob panic in the swimming pool. perhaps you could keep it by your armchair and when your youngest comes home in a terror you can klunk him round the earhole with it, and warn him sternly of the dangers of cowardice in the face of clear science, which is what this is, i assure you.

shark guts contain your own private jet. fact.

DO NOT BE SCARED – shark by paulofnavarone. See more work here & here.