I had a call from Erin at Central Station yesterday to let me know that I’ve won the twEATs commission project! Hurrah! I’m so excited! I’m through in Glasgow today to meet with Erin and Yvonne to talk about details, deadline and all the other things happening in the next 2 weeks.

I’ll be designing the layout and illustrating the front, back and centrefold and including the lovely artworks that people have submitted to be in the publication. The centrefold is going to be an illustrated recipe, twEATed live by Tim Maddam, Head Chef at River Cottage Axminster Canteen and Deli on the 16th of August as part of Glasgow’s Harvest Festival. I’ve been in the Central Station headquarters looking through all the other submissions and feel really lucky to be chosen. Well done to everyone who submitted their beautiful illustrations!

Thank you so much to Central Station, NVA, River Cottage and Landshare for asking me to be involved- it’s going to be a really fun project and can’t wait to get started. Look out for more posts and pictures to follow soon.


To find out what Tasty twEATS & Harvest 2010, click here.