Over the last 4 weeks we have been asking you to adopt plug plants, create containers, advertise your lonely jars’/fruit’s hearts, and grow grow grow in preparation for Glasgow Harvest. With exactly one month to go, you can imagine how things are hotting (and growing) up over here. That is why ‘we want you!’ for a new and exciting purpose (one that doesn’t even involve growing)!

We are putting together a small team of volunteers to help us out in the run up to Harvest or to help out on the actual day of Glasgow Harvest (or both!) - your chance to be part of, what is really shaping up to be, an utterly brilliant event! We are asking you, our readers and followers, first because we know what a dedicated and loyal team you are! So why not shake things up and really get up close and personal with us?

You will work with our small and friendly team at the NVA office (based near Kelvingrove Park) and be involved in the final preparations for Glasgow Harvest, maybe even getting out and about on a bike and spreading the Glasgow Harvest word far* and wide.

It would be great if you could spare a few days in the run up to Glasgow Harvest (4 or 5 days over the next few weeks) and be available on the 28th August for the actual event.

We will give you some lunch money (just like being back at school!) and reimburse you for any travel within Glasgow, even if you are cycling (yes, cycling).

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please send an email to harvest@nva.org.uk or phone NVA on 0141 3329911.

p.s If you’re part of an allotment or know an allotment who would like to get involved in Glasgow Harvest we have a couple of opportunities involving soup and eccentric shed photography. If you’re interested or would like to know more then get in touch at harvest@nva.org.uk.

*We won’t make you cycle to Edinburgh.


To find out what Tasty twEATS & Harvest 2010, click here.