ROJO Projects by Alexander Peverett
by Alexander Peverett

An independent Brazil based organisation, founded by David Quiles Guilló in 2001, ROJO’s aim is to “create, promote and push positive forward-thinking contemporary art to a wider, worldwide audience.”

Every week ROJO features an extensive selection from a variety of artists. You can also watch a selection from the 280 videos on ROJO’s vimeo channel here.

Why we like it:
As well as featuring creative work, ROJO take on a huge variety of interesting projects including: publishing CDs and DVDs, organising exhibitions, audiovisual shows, installations, music festivals, workshops, talks, outdoor art exhibitions, performances and more.

Also, lookout for the soon to be launched ROJO®artstream – the first multimedia channel about the culture of contemporary creativity; music, visual arts, design, cinema, food, architecture, fashion, media and people. And ROJO is currently working with a brazilian public radio station on NOVA Radio, a series of late night radio programs.

Find out more:
Website | Facebook


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