
Made in the Shade

Radius in motion portrait

My High Frequency Photo by Garry Maclennan   

Neck peice by Jennifer Fraser at Fantoosherie.co.uk  (One of the favorite things of my tour) Earings by Lemonart!

Made in the Shade…Wow! Really beautiful things, not contemporary art but things to look amazing when you attend the events.

Dazed Dorothy

Dazed Dorothy


I don’t have he link for this, but please contact me so i can include it! they do commision portrait finger puppets..I think one for Phil Kay is in order. I love them!




full scottish breakfast pin, yeah!


 Jennifer Lemon

Beautiful and quite different jewelery;wearable art architectual and hand sewn, Check it out!


HALLelujah curated by Janie Nicoll

 A rare opportunity where Janie Nicoll has put together an intimate and rich exhibition, she invites you into her home for a rather rich experience. The exhibition is beautiful and quiet and I hope I get another chance to go by and have a second look. Thanks Janie.

Left Alex Hetherington

I had a chance to attend the Print studio opening Overlap by Claire Barclay.

The work was a combination of print sculpture and drawing. I am a big fan of Barclay so I guess when I say the exhibition is fantastic I speak for my own eccentric taste. It’s worth going back for a more private and intimate experience with out loads of people swigging Cava.

Vocal Sans by Ciara Phillips and Jane Topping.  Material and bold color make this exhibition something to navigate through and consider your own relationship to the scenarios and installation before you. Not an easy exhibition, so take some time with it.

The Illogic of Repeat by Fiona Jardine and Katy West at GOODD 11 James Morrison St. This is off the well-beaten path of King st but not far. The space itself is a treat to venture through that sets you up for the exhibition at GOODD. Crossing the boundaries of many artistic formats, it’s an exhibition that suggests living in something rather than standing off and postulating. Craft, design and fine art are all elements of this exhibit. I liked it a lot! www.good-d.com

Forest Fringe at the Arches When I arrived it was slightly after 19:00 and people were already engaged in one on one music performance, unspoken word consumption, what could only be described as a debate, hair sculpture, story telling through clothes swapping, message sending… an alternative happening. I spent 40 minutes attending a performance by Deborah Pearson Like you were before

Using video and live performance she took us on a trip back into her past but articulated a something about us all, moments lost, people we were and how we sometimes forget the transition from young adult into full fledge … Adult

Introduced as a work in progress, I enjoyed the subtle and difficult thing she was taking on. Maybe slightly long but it made my friend sitting next to me, laugh and cry…I think that qualifies as success.

Thanks to the performers and all that contributed to the forest fringe…it was a great way to spend the evening.

18/4 there is so much on…I am on a Spin Tour today starting at GOMA ending at the print studio. Last Festival I loved the Spin tours and I already highly recommend them. Opening at the David Dale gallery and the kick off to Atypical Root 5:00-8:00 and then of to Stereo Social Landscape 4:00 to Midnight.