YOU is a free, weekly, anonymous, paper zine that has been produced every week since November 2001. The zine takes the form of a hand-written letter sealed with staples in a paper bag and can be picked up every week for free in zine shops, record shops, art galleries, on notice-boards and from zine distros around the world. The zine project is both tiny and enormous at the same time with all zines made by Luke You in Melbourne, Australia and every week YOU is available in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Wagga Wagga, Toowoomba, Chicago, Portland Oregon, Bloomington, San Francisco, Toronto and Glasgow, as well as through on-line zine distos run by Sticky Institute, Bird In The hand Zine Distro, Take Care Zine Distro, Smells Like Zines Zine Distro and Microcosm Publishing. Issues of YOU have also appeared in noodle boxes, cassette cases, wrapped around used drum sticks, in cigarette boxes, as cds, as DVDs and as almost nothing at all.

The zine is always anonymous but is credited to an artist who uses the pseudonym Luke You. The zine follows the life of Luke You who usually writes the zine, however sometimes the zine is written by other people that Luke You meets and asks to write for the project. Issues of the zine have appeared in English, French, Japanese, Danish, Arabic, Spanish, Hungarian, Mandarin and Braille.

In 2011 YOU is celebrating ten years of zine making and 520 issue of the zine with the launch of YOU #520 and a YOU Zine Making Workshop at Sticky Institute as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. The launch and workshop will take place at Sticky Institute in Melbourne on October 8th 2011.